Once you are a member with the Professional Pet Groomers Association of Manitoba, you will be entitled to special discounts on PPGAM sponsored events! The greatest jewel we have to offer is exceptional accident insurance at an incredible rate! If you get hurt anyTIME, doing anyTHING, anyWHERE in the world you are covered for days of work lost.
In addition, we hold special seminars, training sessions and fun events. We also help you get your business running effectively by offering you information packages that informs your customers on the benefits of your membership.
You will be kept aware of changes in legislation, grooming techniques,as well as sharing in costs associated with starting or running your own business.
Groomer’s Certification
A groomer may receive a certificate from the school or instructor they were taught by but that does not constitute certification. Certification is currently not required by law for a groomer to be able to groom dogs.
These are three organizations that can certify a groomer. They are:
Becoming a Member of PPGAM
All information to become a member of PPGAM is on this page.
Please mail cheques to:
PPGAM Treasurer
1522 Roy Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3E 1E7
Or send e-transfer to:
Please follow the guidelines from your online banking institute for processing an e-Transfer.